Have you ever done any gardening? If so, do you have any (0) on how to speed up and encourage the (17) of plants?
Surprisingly, some gardeners recommend talking or playing music
to them, and now a group of British (18) have found that this
(19) may not be quite as crazy as it seems. They discovered
that some young plants make a clicking sound in their roots which is so
quiet that humans are unable to hear it. The researchers used special
(20) to capture these noises; then when they played the
(21) back to other young plants, they made an amazing
the plants actually grew towards the noise. This seems
to suggest that plants can communicate with each other in a way that
experts were previously (23) of.
It could be that sounds and vibrations are used by plants to share
information about growing conditions or about possible
dangers from pests. Perhaps more people should try talking to
their plants!​

Здохненко0403 Здохненко0403    2   24.05.2021 13:03    31

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