Характеристика моей семьи, в моей семье 5 человек: дедушка, бабушка, мама, сестра и я. дедушка добрый, веселый, любит пошутить. бабушка добропорядочная, спокойная, жизнерадостная. мама красивая, умная, целеустремленная, порядочная. она любит поговорить по душам. сестра порядочная, милая, интересная. она любит гулять с друзьями и посещать разные места. моя семья хорошая. мы гостеприимны. любим с родными собираться по выходным у бабушки с дедушкой дома. я люблю свою семью

sychev66 sychev66    1   10.06.2019 07:10    1

Nikito23 Nikito23  08.07.2020 19:11
Characteristic of my family,
My family of 5 people: grandpa, grandma, mom, sister and I. Grandpa kind, cheerful, loves to have fun. Grandmother respectable, calm, cheerful. The mother of a beautiful, intelligent, purposeful, honest. She loves to talk heart to heart. Sister decent, cute, interesting. She loves hanging out with friends and visit different places.
My family is very good. We are very hospitable. We love to gather with family on the weekends at my grandparents ' house.
I love my family
andreiantipov1 andreiantipov1  08.07.2020 19:11
In my family live 5 persons: grandfather, grandmother, mother, sister and me. Grandpa is very kind, cheerful, he likes to joke. Grandmother is respectable, quiet and cheerful.  My mom is beautiful, intelligent, purposeful and decent. She loves to talk heart to heart. Sister is decent, nice, interesting. She loves to hang out with her friends and ti visit different places.
My family is very nice. We are very hospitable. We love to spend time together on weekends in the home of my  grandparents.
I love my family
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