Groundhog daydirections: match the columns. write the letters on the lines. groundhog daydirections: match the columns. write the letters on the lines.1. feb. a. a story that is passed down2. february 2 b. abbreviation for february3. burrows c. animal’s sharp and curved nails4. claws d.
animals born at the same timeto the same mother5. whiskers e. baby groundhog6. ears f. breeding partners7. shadow g. coldest season of the year8. litter h. covered in fur9. groundhog i. dark area behind object10. whistle j. external organs for hearing11. kit k. flexible rear part of an
animal12. vegetation l. groundhog day13. furry m. long stiff hairs near mouth14. folklore n. pass winter asleep, like a coma15. winter o. plants16. spring p. search for food or objects17. hibernate q. season after winter18. mates r. small brown animal19. tail s. sound made with puckered
lips20. hunt t. tunnels groundhogs live in