Greatest inventions to change the world
There could not be any development without inventions. Modern world can be called the world of technology, but the way to this title was rather long. Nowadays there are numerous laboratories discovering something new on a daily basis, but there are some inventions that date back centuries, but are still the core of the modern science. Almost all of contemporary discoveries have been based on previous inventions, so we should give credit to those talented inventors, who laid the foundation for our comfort.
Steam engine invention can be called a key to our modern transportation and industries. Though we use more developed engines nowadays, all of them work in the same way – burning fuel is conversed into kinetic energy. James Watt is considered to be a leading inventor of steam engine, but there are numerous successors, who were improving it decade after decade. This invention had a dramatic impact on the world industry allowing factories to be free from water power, developing coal industry, increasing the speed of trains and becoming a core of modern transportation system.
2. Задание №2 . Составьте четыре во разного типа к тексту. (Общий, альтернативный, разделительный и специальный)
3. Задание №3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения из текста.
1)Современный мир можно назвать миром технологий.
2)Почти все современные открытия были основаны на предыдущих изобретениях.
3)Горящее топливо преобразуется в кинетическую энергию.
4)Джеймс Уатт считается ведущим изобретателем парового двигателя.
Контрольные во задания для самостоятельной работы):
1. Can you imagine your everyday life without modern inventions? Why?