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Mocket Mocket    2   26.06.2019 00:00    1

Mazadinec Mazadinec  20.07.2020 23:06
Sally: Mike, do you often go to fast food restaurants?
Mike: No, I don't. I find eating fast food harmful and I never do it.
Sally: I know it's really harmful, but I can't help eating hamburgers. They're so delicious!
Mike: Yuk! Fresh vebetables are more delicious and, in addition, they are helpful.
Sally: I agree with you. Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
Mike: Yes, I do. It seems to me important.
Sally: What exactly do you do?
Mike: Oh, I have yoga classes two times a week and, besides, I go cycling every evening. As a result, I'm in a good shape.
Sally: I wish I were as fit as you are.
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