Грамотно перевести на загадки: он не собака, но с цепью. он не лошадь, но с седлом. (велосипед) он плывёт по волнам, на себе везет людей. (корабль) он мчится, держится за провода, не заблудится никогда. (троллейбус ) она пьёт бензин, как молоко. путешествовать на ней легко. (машина) он без руля и без кабины. смелый парень в шлеме с ним справляется умело. (мотоцикл)

marylist2005 marylist2005    3   31.08.2019 21:00    0

tecakrus88 tecakrus88  01.09.2020 01:43
He is a not dog, but with a chain. He is a not horse, but with a saddle. (Bicycle)He swims on waves, on itself drives people. (Ship)He speeds along, holds on to the wires, will lose way never. (Trolleybus )She drinks petrol, as milk. Traveling easily on her. (Machine)He without a helm and without a booth. A very brave fellow in a helmet with him is celebrated able. (Motor cycle) 
Мур214 Мур214  01.09.2020 01:43
He's not a dog, but with a chain. He is not a horse, but with a saddle. (Bike)

It floats on the waves, driven people. (Ship)

He runs, clinging to the wires, not get lost never. (Trolley )

She drinks gasoline like milk. To travel on it easily. (Machine)

He is without a rudder and without a cabin. Very brave guy wearing a helmet to cope with it skillfully. (Motorcycle)
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