Grammar These are some ideas how to "be green"?
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You may use them several times.
0) Below are a few ideas
1) Recycling materials means that___greenhouse gases
are produced. Using old glass to make new glass uses
materials and causes___
pollution than making totally new glass
2) Use___paper, write on both sides,
3) Choose products with___chemicals
4) Watch___TV. Take___walk instead. It is good for your health
for the environment.
5) In some are__there are places for wild plants and animals than there
were some years ago. You can make your garden and plant__flowers​

anshul anshul    2   09.12.2020 10:32    13

manovskidominik manovskidominik  08.01.2021 10:33

1) Fewer; Less; Fewer; Less

2) Less

3) Fewer

4) Less; A little

5) Fewer; A few