GRAMMAR narrative tenses, past perfect continuous 1 I was being late for my flight because I had parked at the wrong terminal. ___ 2 Had you a good flight? 3 Someone stole their hand luggage when they waited in I was late line. 4 Where was going Paul when his car broke down? 5 Rosa had already left the airport when she realized she had the wrong suitcase. 6 Our suitcases were already at båggage claim when we were getting there. 7 We said good-bye to our friends. Then we went through security and passport control into the departure lounge. 8 He had been flying for 12 hours by the time he reached Seoul.

vikaolkhovskay vikaolkhovskay    3   26.11.2020 16:03    19

89271870095 89271870095  18.01.2024 13:35
1. The correct verb form to complete the sentence is "because I had parked at the wrong terminal."

Explanation: The past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that started in the past, continued for a period of time, and was still happening before another action took place. In this case, the action of being late for the flight happened because of the action of parking at the wrong terminal, which happened before being late. Therefore, the past perfect continuous tense is used to show the sequence of events.

2. The correct verb form is "Did you have a good flight?"

Explanation: The question is about the past, so we need to use the past simple tense. In the past simple, "do" is transformed into "did" for questions and negative statements.

3. The correct verb form is "Someone stole their hand luggage while they were waiting in line."

Explanation: The action of waiting in line happened in the past, so we need to use the past continuous tense. The action of stealing the hand luggage happened at the same time as waiting in line, so we also use the past continuous tense.

4. The correct verb form is "Where was Paul going when his car broke down?"

Explanation: The action of Paul's car breaking down happened in the past, so we need to use the past continuous tense. The action of going somewhere happened at the same time as the car breaking down, so we also use the past continuous tense.

5. The sentence is already correct.

Explanation: The past perfect tense "had already left" is used to show that Rosa left the airport before realizing she had the wrong suitcase, which happened later in the past.

6. The correct verb form is "Our suitcases were already at the baggage claim when we got there."

Explanation: The action of the suitcases being at the baggage claim happened before the action of us getting there, so we need to use the past continuous tense for the suitcases and the past simple tense for the action of getting there.

7. The sentence is already correct.

Explanation: The sequence of events is described correctly using the past simple tense.

8. The correct verb form is "He had been flying for 12 hours by the time he reached Seoul."

Explanation: The past perfect continuous tense is used to show that the action of flying started in the past and continued for a period of time (12 hours) before reaching Seoul.
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