Go to the link, watch the video reportage and choose the right answers in the test / Перейдите по ссылке, посмотрите видео репортаж и выберите правильные варианты ответа в Тесте. 1. Where is the Theater Country in the video? A. in London's West End B. in Edinburgh C. in New York 2. What was the name of the show? A. Thriller B. Mamma Mia! C.Love Story 3. Where is the show staged? A. on a mountain in Switzerland B. in the countryside in England C. on a Greek island 4. Who is Craig Fletcher? A. Director B. Actor in the show C. One of the behind-the-scenes crews 5. What does he say is the best thing about making a show? A. he likes the story B. he likes the crew, the actors and the music C. he likes the costumes 6. Who is Claire Whitfield? A. director B. actress of the play C. one of the behind-the-scenes 7. What does the director do? A. makes sure that the show runs safely and without any problems. B. clears the stage after the performance. S. writes songs and music for the show. 8. According to Claire, who likes "Mamma Mia"? A. young people B. older people C. people of all ages