Глаголы в скобках поставить в форме Infinitive (-to) или Gerund (-ing). Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the
infinitive with to or -ing.
1 You need to take an umbrella. It's raining. (take)
2 I don't mind … early at the weekend. (get up)
3 My brother's planning … to drive next summer. (learn)
4 I promise home before 11 o'clock. (be)
5 I really enjoy … I'd like to work in a restaurant. (cook)
6 When I finish my room, I'll go out with my friends. (tidy)

toniskvortsov1 toniskvortsov1    2   24.02.2021 08:43    0

Милка98806 Милка98806  24.02.2021 08:50

2 getting up

3 to learn

4 to be

5 cooking

6 tidy в этом предложении вообще не подходит)))

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