Give words and expressions close in meaning to the following: to run into smb; to puzzle over a problem; to get smth (smb); to catch smb by the arm; to solve a puzzle; to get things ready; to get in touch with smb; have no idea; to realize; to know a thing or two about smth; a genuine Lautisse; to get a good laugh out of smth.

Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences; translate them into Russian.
1 finally he asked me if I could keep a secret. 2. We asked him a few innocent questions and then dropped the name of Lautisse. 3. Betsy talked me into sending a note to his cabin, asking him around for a drink. 4. Well, we got to be real friendly. 5. ... when I was having breakfast I remembered a job Г of been putting off for some time. 6. Then the New York papers got hold of the story. 7. It gave us a sort of funny feeling, all this publicity. 8. We had to have the telephone disconnected.

lesanazyrova lesanazyrova    1   31.03.2021 19:01    158

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