Give English equivalents and use them in sentences of your own ИЗ ДИАЛОГА 2 (1) посвятить неделю полностью отдыху (2) поехать ненадолго в Лондон (3) устроить что-нибудь вроде маленькой гостиницы (4) совершить поездку по стране (5) осмат­ривать магазины (6) поступить по-своему (7) прославить­ся как морской курорт (8) просто отдых и загар на солнце (9) ловля семги и форели (10) катание на водных лыжах (11) магазины подарков (12) вдали от избитых троп (13) это не похоже на тихое местечко

Give English equivalents and use them in sentences of your own ИЗ ДИАЛОГА 2 (1) посвятить неделю пол
Give English equivalents and use them in sentences of your own ИЗ ДИАЛОГА 2 (1) посвятить неделю пол

guzhowa66 guzhowa66    1   09.09.2021 17:01    57

Rima02 Rima02  24.01.2024 07:26
English equivalents and sentences:
1) dedicate a week entirely to rest - "I decided to dedicate a whole week just for rest and relaxation."
2) go to London for a short while - "I'm planning to go to London for a short trip."
3) arrange something like a small hotel - "We could arrange something like a small hotel for our guests."
4) take a trip around the country - "I would love to take a trip and explore different parts of the country."
5) browse through shops - "We spent the afternoon casually browsing through shops."
6) do things your own way - "Sometimes it's best to do things our own way and trust our instincts."
7) become famous as a seaside resort - "The town became famous and was celebrated as a popular seaside resort."
8) just relax and get a tan in the sun - "The only plan for the weekend is to relax and get a tan in the sun."
9) catch salmon and trout - "Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy catching salmon and trout in the nearby river."
10) go water skiing - "One of the activities I want to try is water skiing."
11) gift shops - "There were plenty of gift shops offering souvenirs for tourists."
12) away from the beaten paths - "We found a hidden trail that took us away from the beaten paths."
13) this doesn't seem like a quiet place - "Despite its appearance, this doesn't seem like a quiet place."
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