Get sufficient sleep
Get plenty of exercise
Try to take breaks when working at a computer
Eat meat in moderation
Do not smoke
Follow a balanced diet
Avoid fizzy drinks
Cut down on sugary treats and chocolate
Go to the gym or go for a run
Do not take drugs
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Avoid alcoholic drinks
In your opinion, which three pieces of advice above are the most important and why? Write between 80 and 100 words below.
don't smoke
In the modern world there are many temptations. Smoking is one of the most popular. Indeed, when every day on TV they show smoking stars who have everything, a person has a desire to make them look like him. Unfortunately, he starts with the worst possible trait. Maybe it’s beautiful on the screen when long fingers with fashionable manicure by another popular singer bring a cigarette to her lips and light up, but in reality it is a slow suicide. From time to time, nails will lose their integrity and begin to break, puffy lips will turn pale and crack, and teeth will turn yellow from white.