Gary Cole
Gary Cole is one of the best basketball players in Britain. Gary was born in 1980 in Birmingham. Gary’s got two brothers, Roy and Leroy, and a sister, Lucy, and they all do sport . But they are all younger than Gary and still at school. His parents, Roger and Julie, are teachers . Gary started playing basketball when he was six! He used to watch the American stars on TV when he was a boy, and that’s where he got his inspiration to got a star. He used to play in the park near his house. He also used to play football and was in the school team. But Gary prefers basketball because he says it’s faster and more exciting than football. He plays for the Birmingham Braves now and he is their star player. Gary is very happy with the Braves, but he has an ambition. He wants to go and play in the USA for one of the big teams! Why? Because the standard of play is higher and because players get more money.
1.Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие высказываний содержанию текста. Т - если соответствует, F – если не соответствует.
1. Roger and Julie are Gary’s parents.
2. Gary started playing basketball at the age of five.
3. Gary is younger than his brothers.
4. Gary likes football because it is exciting.
5. He wants to play basketball in the USA.
2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на во Соотнесите 2 части предложения.
1) He started playing basketball a) but he has an ambition
2) He’s happy with the Braves, b) for one of the big teams
3) He wants to play in the USA c) when he was six
4) Gary was born d) are teaches
5) His parents, Roger and Julie e) in 1980 in Birmingham

4. Расположите предложения в логической последовательности.
1) Gary started playing basketball when he was six.
2) Gary Cole is one of the best basketball players in Britain.
3) He wants to go and play in the USA for one of the big teams.
4) His parents, Roger and Julie, are teachers.
5) Gary was born in 1980 in Birmingham.

Lerakadyrova Lerakadyrova    3   21.05.2020 07:38    151

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