- Английский язык
- Фото прикреплены . Я не
Фото прикреплены . Я не могу справиться. SOS

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13. c (to go)
14. c (at)
15. b (to eat),
16. a (are coming)
17. b (understand)
18. c (be)
19. c (in)
20. a (asked)
I have cleaned the house.
You have scrubbed the bathtub.
We have swept the hallway, the kitchen, and the dining room.
I have cut the grass.
You have trimmed the rose bushes
We have done all the chores
He has slept all day
Mr Byrne has taken out the trash
He has done his laundry
He has had an idea while doing his housechold chores
Mrs. Harvey has fixed many things around the house
She has cleaned the garage
Her son has watered all the plants
He has walked the dog
He has fed the dog and cats
Mr. Waites has cooked dinner for his family
His wife has set the table
His brother has opened a bottle of wine
His children has sat down at the table
Mr. Cave has done no work around the house today
Present Perfect -> I/You/We/They + have + V 3d form
-> He/She/It + has + V 3rd form
13.-c) to go
14.-c) at
15.-b) to eat
16.-a) are coming
17.-b) understand
18.-c) be
19.-c) in
1.have cleaned
2.have scrubbed
3. have swept
4. have cut
5. have trimmed
6.have done
7. has slept
8. has taken
9. has done
10. has had
11. has fixed
12.has cleaned
13. has watered
14. has walked
15. has fed
16. has cooked
17. has set
18. has opened
19. has sat
20. has done