FOLLOW YOUR NOSE I rememb my childhood vaguely - just a number of moments I can hardly
recall. But there (A)
a few scents that help me plunge into
carly years, making me feel like a kid again.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a secret, but you (C)
in an hour or so,
That aroma of wood, straw and freshly picked strawberries -- the scent
i cherished as the (D)
important memory of my childhood.
The car slowed down and I (E)
an old house, hidden behind
the overgrown bushes of lilac. I suddenly remembered everything -- my life
here, the warmth of my granny's hands and that overwlielming smell of the
Russian countryside:
A 1) were 2) are 3) will be 4) was
1) me 2) mine 3) myself 4) my
C 11 will see 2) see » have seen osal
D1) much 2) most 3) more 4 many
E 1) will see 2) is seeing 3) saw 4) have seen
A B C D :

Artem3460 Artem3460    2   09.03.2021 16:47    24