Fix stand speak drink eat do wear have wash make listen buy
take watch brush
1. I breakfast at 7:00 every morning.
2. He always a suit to work.
3. The teacher at the front of the
4. He his teeth three times a day.
5. We usually our groceries on the
6. He a meeting every morning.
7. She often chicken for dinner.
8. They the bus to school everyday.
9. We often television in the
10. He to the radio on his way to
11. The teacher three languages.
12. A mechanic cars.
13. She the dishes after dinner.
14. They coffee every morning.
можете писать просто 1. (и ответ)
1) have
2) wears
3) stands
4) brushes
5) buy
6) has
7) eats
8) take
9) watch
10) listens
11) speaks
12) fixes
13) washes
14) drink
В зависимости от лица, нужно добавить окончание -s/-esI, you, we, they +
[глагол в базовой форме без окончания]
He, she, it +
[глагол с окончанием -s/-es]
И, кстати, не а 18 :)