Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.
Example: An organism containing genetic material that has been artificially altered genetically modified.

when a particular kind of animal no longer exists (paragraph I)
the noise wings make as they move (paragraph II)
what a scientist does in order to find something out (paragraph IV)

Task 2. Complete the reported statements.
“I think it’s wrong to download songs without paying,” said Errol.
Errol said that he thought it was wrong to download songs without paying.
“ I can see the top of the mountain !”
He told them .
“I want a new bike”.
The boy told us.
“ We really enjoyed the trip”.
They told him.
“I didn’t see you last weekend ”
She told me that.

Task 3. Join the beginnings (1-8) with the endings (a –h) to make sentences.

Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.Example: An organism contai

2005nastyabereza 2005nastyabereza    1   12.02.2021 11:48    62

ника1234551 ника1234551  14.03.2021 12:53

(скрин сделала из собственного задания, т.к. писала в текстовом виде, а не на листочке)

Файл 1- это задание 1 и кстати, там не fapping, а flapping просто забыла букву l. Файл 2- задание 2. Третье задание у меня было другое сделать предложения косвенной речи к вопросам, поэтому не могу с третьим.

Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.Example: An organism contai
Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.Example: An organism contai
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