Find the correct phrasal verb with "go" to complete each sent 1. Lots of activities in the city at night. 2. If you want to get to the supermarket, ... the old school turn right. 3. Marty is a very good boy. He doesn't ... the bad kids at sch He doesn't like what they do. 4. The bomb will ... if you push the button. 5. One sock is red and the other is blue. They don't... each oth 6. John likes to ... with his girlfriend on Saturday nights. 7. Before we make a presentation, we need to ... this busines plan to make sure everything is okay. M 8. I hope my hair dryer doesn't It sounds bad but I really need to use it.

Елизавета99929 Елизавета99929    1   04.05.2022 00:48    3

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