Find antonyms 1)small 2)wild 3)interesting 4)domestic 5)boring 6)safety 7)big 8))danger

ХЗшкин ХЗшкин    2   07.09.2019 14:50    8

AlinaAlina707 AlinaAlina707  16.08.2020 11:17
Small - big
wild - domestic
interesting - boring
safety - danger
ctalin123123 ctalin123123  15.01.2024 22:09
1) Antonym of "small" is "big".
Explanation: Antonym refers to a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. In this case, "small" means something that is little or not big, so its antonym would be "big".

2) Antonym of "wild" is "domestic".
Explanation: "Wild" refers to something that is not tamed or living in a natural state, while "domestic" means something that is tamed or living with humans. Therefore, "domestic" is the antonym of "wild".

3) Antonym of "interesting" is "boring".
Explanation: "Interesting" means something that catches your attention or is exciting, while "boring" means something that is not entertaining or dull. Thus, "boring" is the antonym of "interesting".

4) Antonym of "domestic" is "wild".
Explanation: As mentioned earlier, "domestic" means something that is tamed or living with humans, while "wild" refers to something that is not tamed or living in a natural state. Therefore, "wild" is the antonym of "domestic".

5) Antonym of "boring" is "interesting".
Explanation: "Boring" refers to something that is not entertaining or dull, while "interesting" means something that catches your attention or is exciting. Hence, "interesting" is the antonym of "boring".

6) Antonym of "safety" is "danger".
Explanation: "Safety" refers to the state of being protected from harm, while "danger" signifies a state of potential harm or threat. Therefore, "danger" is the antonym of "safety".

7) Antonym of "big" is "small".
Explanation: "Big" refers to something that is large in size or not small, whereas "small" means something that is little or not big. Hence, "small" is the antonym of "big".

8) Antonym of "danger" is "safety".
Explanation: Previously explained, "danger" signifies a state of potential harm or threat, while "safety" refers to the state of being protected from harm. Therefore, "safety" is the antonym of "danger".
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