Final test

7 form


1. Future arrangements

1. 1 Translate into English

a. Я встречаюсь с редактором в восемь часов.

b. Я встречусь с редактором. 1.2 Choose correct form

a. I'm meeting/ I'll meet my mum and dad outside the post office at three


b. I'm buying/I'll buy a new motorbike if I win in the lottery.

2. When + present

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the right form

a. It (to be) a very different village when the new is built.

b. Are you going to visit the Eiffel Tower when you (go) to Paris?

c. Annette is going to work in a supermarket when she (leave) school.

3. Checking information

Complete the question tags

a. You go to school at eight o'clock,

b. You're Maria,

c. He's fourteen years old,

4. Continuous actions

Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Perfect Continuous


a. Robert (be) in Orlando for two weeks.

b. Ted (dive) since las: year.

c. He (work) at the RAP for two years.

5. Generalization

Translate into English

a. У всех в этом классе каникулы в августе.

b. Никто в этом классе не изучал английский в пять лет. с. У большинства людей есть матина.

6. Numerals

Write these dates in words

a. 1812

b. 1924

d. 1705

e. 1737

c. 1147

f. 2020

Final test7 formGrammar1. Future arrangements1. 1 Translate into Englisha. Я встречаюсь с редактором

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