Fill in with prepositions (5 points)i think i’m coming 1…………………… flue. i have been coughing all day. we are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our scary and mysterious issue that comes 2…………… next month.have you come …3……………… any mysterious looking figures lately? have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come 4…………………you? can you write imaginative stories? send in the scariest stories you can come ……5……………….
Explanation: The preposition "down" is used here to indicate the direction of the flu, as in "coming down with an illness".
2. the scary and mysterious issue that comes out next month.
Explanation: The preposition "out" is used here to indicate the release or publication of the issue, as in "coming out next month".
3. Have you come across any mysterious looking figures lately?
Explanation: The preposition "across" is used here to indicate encountering or finding something, as in "come across mysterious looking figures".
4. Had a weird feeling come over you?
Explanation: The preposition "over" is used here to indicate experiencing or being influenced by a feeling, as in "feeling come over you".
5. Come up with the scariest stories you can.
Explanation: The preposition "up" is used here to indicate the generation or creation of stories, as in "come up with stories".