Fill in with: get, have (x4), walk (x2),
do (x2), watch, brush, go.​

ProstoSashaProsto ProstoSashaProsto    1   19.12.2020 16:53    39

ROMA2K18 ROMA2K18  11.01.2024 20:24
Sure! Here is a detailed and comprehensive answer to your question:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs: get, have (x4), walk (x2), do (x2), watch, brush, go.

1. I _________ up at 7 a.m. every morning.
Answer: get
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of rising or waking up.

2. My brother and I _________ breakfast together.
Answer: have
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of eating a meal.

3. After breakfast, I _________ to the bus stop.
Answer: walk
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of moving on foot.

4. In school, we _________ our homework.
Answer: do
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of completing or performing a task.

5. During lunch break, we _________ some cartoons.
Answer: watch
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of looking at or observing something on a screen.

6. After lunch, we _________ our teeth.
Answer: brush
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of cleaning the teeth with a toothbrush.

7. In the afternoon, we _________ to the playground and play games.
Answer: go
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of moving from one place to another.

8. When we come back from the playground, we _________ some more homework.
Answer: do
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of completing or performing a task.

9. In the evening, we _________ dinner with our family.
Answer: have
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of eating a meal.

10. Before going to bed, we _________ a short walk around the neighborhood.
Answer: take
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of moving on foot.

11. Finally, we _________ ready for bed and sleep.
Answer: get
Explanation: This verb is used to indicate the action of becoming prepared or positioned in a certain way.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.
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