Fill in who, which, whose, when, where or 1 why. Say whether they can be omitted or not. 1 A: This is the shop...which... has just opened. (It can't be omitted.) B: Oh good. I want to look in here. 2 A: Which of those men was your uncle? B: He was the one was carrying a briefcase. 3 A: Is this the café B: Yes, this is the one. you met Sarah? 4 A: Who was the girl said hello to us? car I bought last week. B: She's the girl 5 A: Did you ask Joanne to the party? B: Yes. I asked her on the day she phoned. 6 A: It's very cold outside today. B: I know. That's the reason my coat. I'm wearing 7 A: What's in that bag? B: Just some clothes I'm taking with me. 8 A: Have you seen my glasses? B: They're on the table, you left them.

MrTroLoLo10 MrTroLoLo10    1   18.09.2021 10:41    37

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