Fill in the right word from the word column. a)go boating, b) to lie on the beach, c) a camping holiday, d) staying at a hotel, e) explore the countryside, f) fresh air, g) bus tour, h) book tickets, i) stay in town, j) summer vacations, k) go fishing, l) long walks, m) luggage, n) country house, o) packing things
I. During (1) we never (2) we usually go on a trip. 2. When I was a child our family usually lived in a (3) in summer. Now I find it boring. 3. As we decided to have (4) ………….we bought a nice tent and a boat. 4. In summer you should always (5) in advance as many people make trips during their vacations. 5. Last year we went camping and we had two much (6) …………….. We won't take more than we need this time. I am not very good at (7) 6. I've always dreamt to see some European capitals so I bought a (8)………..It is the cheapest way to travel. 7. This year we are spending out vacation at the seaside. I'm dreaming of getting brown, so I'm going (9)….. 8. I enjoy quiet life in the country. For me it is not boring. You can (10)…………or (11)………….. 9. Having a camping holiday is much cheaper than (12)………….. . We never do that. 10. Last year in August the weather was nasty, but we still could enjoy (13)…….. and (14) 11. I wanted to (15) but the parents didn't allow me to do that. They are afraid that we can have misadventure.

Zabuzamomochiiii Zabuzamomochiiii    2   24.02.2022 16:17    185

davidpizhuk13456789 davidpizhuk13456789  22.01.2024 22:51
I. During (1) summer vacations, we never (2) stay in town, we usually go on a trip.
2. When I was a child, our family usually lived in a (3) country house in summer. Now I find it boring.
3. As we decided to have (4) a camping holiday, we bought a nice tent and a boat.
4. In summer, you should always (5) book tickets in advance as many people make trips during their vacations.
5. Last year we went camping and we had too much (6) luggage. We won't take more than we need this time. I am not very good at (7) packing things.
6. I've always dreamt to see some European capitals so I bought a (8) bus tour. It is the cheapest way to travel.
7. This year we are spending our vacation at the seaside. I'm dreaming of getting brown, so I'm going (9) to lie on the beach.
8. I enjoy the quiet life in the country. For me, it is not boring. You can (10) go fishing or (11) explore the countryside.
9. Having a camping holiday is much cheaper than (12) staying at a hotel. We never do that.
10. Last year in August the weather was nasty, but we still could enjoy (13) fresh air and (14) long walks.
11. I wanted to (15) go boating, but the parents didn't allow me to do that. They are afraid that we can have a misadventure.
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