Fill in the gaps with the suitable words there are some extra words-smog,Climate change, Mist, waste ,smoke, global, weather, carbon emissions, reuse,recycle ,reduce consumption, littler 1)The process of is when cars and plants burn oxygen and make carbon dioxide co2
2)The worddescribes something that is related to the whole world
3)To means to use something more than once not to throw things away
4)To means process unnecessary plastic, paper or glass so that it could be used again
5)To means to make the amount of something, that you see ,less
6)The world weather is getting warmer because the level of CO2 is increasing. It is
7)Pieces of rubbish that people drop down
or leave on the ground in public places are called
8)So called is often produced when something burns. It can be a black ,gray or white mixture of some carbon and gas
9)The condition in the atmosphere, for example, hot ,cold,cloudy, sunny or wet ,are called the

Natalye71 Natalye71    3   24.01.2022 22:37    176

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