Fill in the gaps. use do or make. 1. he asked me to … him a favour. 2. don’t … him eat if he doesn’t want to. 3. anybody who … this mistake has to … exercise 5 again. 4. you’ll have to give up this job because you aren’t … enough money. 5. what does his sister …? – she’s a singer. 6. i’d like to … more friends at my new school. at the moment i have to hang out with my younger brother.

Nera1337 Nera1337    3   18.05.2019 23:40    3

loooolg loooolg  12.06.2020 05:18
1. He asked me to do him a favour.
2. Don't make him eat if he doesn't want to.
3. Anybody who made this mistake has to do exercise 5 again.
4. You'll have to give up this job because you aren't making enough money. 
5. What does his sister do ? She's a singer.
6. I'd like to make more friends at my new school . At the moment I have to hang out with my younger brother.
Lena1056 Lena1056  12.06.2020 05:18
1. to do 
2. make
3. made, to do
4. making 
5. do
6. make 
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