Fill in the correct preposition . 1. what information are you interested 2. which vacation did john become 3. who have you named the 4. who did you destroy a 5. what did you travel to 6. i was astonished at the patience she spoke 7. do you know the hostel they stayed 8. what time will you arrive home 9. how long has it been 10. what do you eat 11. what age did she leave 12. whom did you sit at the
2. Which vacation did John become ill at?
3. Who have you named the child after?
4. Who did you destroy a picture of?
5. What did you travel to London for?
6. I was astonished at the patience she spoke with?
7. Do you know the hostel they stayed in?
8. What time will you arrive home at?
9. How long has it been snowing for?
10. What do you eat salad with?
11. What age did she leave school at?
12. Whom did you sit next to at the party with?