Fill in the article the where necessary: a)the titanic wiht more than two thousand passengers on its board was sailing to new york when is sank in ocean in 1912. orkhey islands shetland islands and hebrides belong to scotland.

hellohelloschool hellohelloschool    2   29.03.2019 08:00    1

жанара28 жанара28  27.05.2020 10:45

a) the Atlantic Ocean

b)The Orkhey Islands, the Shetland Islands and the Herbrides belong to Scotland

AndreevaAS2 AndreevaAS2  27.05.2020 10:45

1The Titanic with more two thousand passengers on its board was sailing to New York when is sank in the Atlantic   in 1912.

The Orkhey Islands, The Shetland island and the hebrides belong to Scotland

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