Fill in strapped, addicted, technical,physical,oppasing,half-time,enthusiasm,tournament, 3 words are exstra: 1his knowledge of computers helps him to analyse complex sport statisties.2she is in a very good form.3to do zorbing you must be inside a large plastic ball. 4she is to watching tv. 5we met our friends at at the stadium.

Оно8885858855 Оно8885858855    3   13.05.2019 18:33    6

AndHeAgaIN2 AndHeAgaIN2  10.06.2020 02:01

1 His technical knowledge of computers helps him to analyse complex sport statistics.

2 She is in a very good physical form.

3 To do zorbing you must be strapped inside a large plastic ball.

4 She is addicted to watching TV.

5 We met our friends at the tournament at the stadium.

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