Fill in: headache, toothache, aspirin, sunburn, stomachache.
1. I have a temperature, I should to take an …
2. Wow! It’s a …, you should put this lotion on.
3. If you have a …, you should see a dentist.
4. She should see a doctor, because she has a …
5. Please, take a medicine, if you have a …
Fill in: can, can’t
1. My sister … eat ice-cream. She is a baby.
2. … I take my dog here?
3. … camp in safari park.
4. We … rent a car for the holiday. It is not expensive.
5. … I listen to some music? – No, you …
Make (+), (-), (?) sentences in Future Simple.
1. We (to buy) two tickets tomorrow.
2. Kate (to be) ten next week.
3. My aunt (to go) to Canada next year.

nastasyasaenko nastasyasaenko    1   14.05.2020 18:38    2

нпапоащвщц нпапоащвщц  14.10.2020 19:14

1. aspirin

2. sunburn

3. toothache

4. headache

5. stomachache

1)  can't

2) can

3) can't

4) can

5) can/can't

1. (+)We will buy two tickets tomorrow.

 (-) We won't buy two tickets tomorrow.

(?) Will we buy two tickets tomorrow?

2. (+)Kate will be 10 next week.

 (-) Kate won't be 10 next week.

 (?) Will Kate be 10?

3. (+) My aunt will go to Canada next year

(-) My aunt won't go to Canada next week.

(?) Will your aunt go to Canada next week?

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