Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need or should. 1. george has travelled a lot. he … speak many languages. 2. i can hear you quite well. you … not shout. 3. i'm not sure where i will go for my holidays, but i … go to italy. 4. she … ride her bike at night without lights. it's not allowed. 5. she … not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure. 6. i … understand him.he should speak louder. 7. it's later than i thought. i … go now. 8. you … a better trainer if you want to improve yourself. 9. talk to ann about your problems. i'm sure she … help you.

лорею лорею    2   19.09.2019 08:40    10

mialoma mialoma  08.10.2020 01:51
1. can
2. need
3. may
4. mustn't
5. should
6. can't
7. have to
8. need
9. can
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