Fill gaps with ‘some’ or ‘any’ 1. my teacher lives … distance away from the school. 2. you should buy … new clothes for the new year, i think. 3. ruth still has … doubts about her marriage, but her boyfriend john hasn’t got any. 4. mum was sure we had … some honey left. at breakfast it turned out we didn’t have … . 5. has there been … discussion of the project? – yes, … people are against it, i’m sorry to say. 6. there must be … way to get in touch with them, but so far i haven’t found … .

elvinabilalova elvinabilalova    1   06.10.2019 01:10    11

Leraekb2012 Leraekb2012  09.10.2020 22:47

1 ,2,3 some

4 some- any

5 any- some

6 some- any

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