false. 1. Asanaly Ashimov grew up in Almaty. 2. He made his first film after he finished studying 3. He was in one play for more than one hundred performances. 4. Not many people went to see Kyz-Zhibek Ashimov is one of the best-known names d cinema n Kazakhstan, and he has y awards for his work. in a village, but he loved to act and study drain so he enrolled at the Kazakh onservatory in Almaty. owed talent as a student and appeared in his min 1958, while he was still a student. he graduated, he joined the M. Auezov theatre in Almaty and started acting on stage. Some Kazach roles he is amous for are Kodar in Corpesh Kebec in Venlik Kebek and Yelamen in and Sucat. also played some famous roles in international For exaraple, he played Julius Caesar in peare's play the lead part in Don Juan, and senin Before Sunset by G. Hauptmann - e performed over 100 times. Tots only work in one medium (cinema or but Ashion worked in both. The early Croatia him famous are Kyz-Zhibek, in The Ene of Ataman, in 1972. This is tilar and an extremely successful The director was Ashimov's but unfortunately he died making ude actors. Ashimov His first film ion in 1984 10 pontore time 5. Ashimov worked with his wife's father on film.