Express the same in English. Use the verb need. .
1. Нам не нужно покупать сегодня продукты, мы идём обедать в ресторан. 2. Кому-нибудь нужен чудесный серый котёнок? 3. Не надо
спешить, до поезда ещё три часа. 4. Я понимал, что Сэм нуждается
в моей Нам не нужна ещё одна актриса на эту роль.
6. Не нужно говорить об этом снова, я всё помню. 7. Вам нужны
новые копии этого текста? 8. Если нам не надо сегодня готовить уроки, давайте сходим в кино.

MarijaKitty MarijaKitty    3   31.01.2021 19:45    104

vedruss7881 vedruss7881  12.01.2024 21:24
1. We don't need to buy groceries today, we are going to have lunch at the restaurant.
To express the idea of not needing to do something, we can use the structure "don't need to" or "don't have to". In this case, it means that it is not necessary to buy groceries because they will be eating at a restaurant.

2. Does anyone need a wonderful gray kitten?
To ask if someone needs something, we can use the structure "need + object". In this case, it is asking if someone wants or is interested in having a gray kitten.

3. There is no need to rush, we still have three hours until the train.
To express that something is not necessary to do, we can use the structure "no need to" or "not necessary to". In this case, it means that there is no rush because they have three more hours until the train.

4. I understood that Sam needed my help.
To express that someone requires or is in need of something, we can use the structure "need + object". In this case, it means that Sam required the speaker's help.

5. We don't need another actress for this role.
To express not needing something, we can use the structure "don't need" or "do not need". In this case, it means that they do not require or want another actress for this role.

6. There is no need to talk about it again, I remember everything.
To express that something is not necessary to do, we can use the structure "no need to" or "not necessary to". In this case, it means that there is no need to talk about it again because the speaker remembers everything.

7. Do you need new copies of this text?
To ask if someone needs something, we can use the structure "need + object". In this case, it is asking if the person wants or requires new copies of the text.

8. If we don't have to prepare lessons today, let's go to the cinema.
To express not needing to do something, we can use the structure "don't have to" or "don't need to". In this case, it means that it is not necessary to prepare lessons today, so they can go to the cinema.
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