Explain the idiom ''Bob's your uncle'' in several sentences. Make up one sentence with it. ​

katyamarkova22 katyamarkova22    3   12.08.2021 13:30    0

Фариза04 Фариза04  11.09.2021 21:02

This idiom means all finished and all good.

People often use this expression to conclude a story about a problem that got solved.

Пример с идиомой – We enter it here, taking our one shot, and Bob's your uncle.

Перевод – Мы входим туда, используем нашу единственную попытку, и дело в шляпе.

danila2208 danila2208  11.09.2021 21:02

Explain the idiom ''Bob's your uncle'' in several sentences.

It's a phrase meaning "there you are!", or "it's that easy". People say it at the end of some description of a situation or action that is easy to complete.

The synonyms of the phrase are  "piece of cake", "easy-peasy", etc.

Make up one sentence with it. ​

If you want to make lemonade, mix some lemon juice, sugar, pour some water, add ice, mix everything and Bob’s your uncle!

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