Exercises Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations: 1. организму необходима 2. быть специально переработан- ным 3. оно производится 4. по мере ее прохождения 5. неболь- шое количество 6. можно найти 7. для роста и восстановления клетки 8. обеспечивать энергией 9. для осуществления их функ- ций 10. дополнительный источник энергии 11. желудочный сок 12. ежедневно

stasvikulyа stasvikulyа    3   21.05.2020 19:06    916

nastya84398 nastya84398  23.01.2024 07:46
Exercise 1:
1. The organism needs
Explanation: The Russian word "необходима" means "needs" in English. In this context, it refers to the necessity of something for the organism.

2. to be specially processed
Explanation: The Russian phrase "быть специально переработан- ным" can be translated as "to be specially processed" in English. This refers to the need for specific treatment or preparation of something.

3. it is produced
Explanation: The Russian phrase "оно производится" translates to "it is produced" in English. This refers to the action of something being created or made.

4. as it progresses
Explanation: The Russian phrase "по мере ее прохождения" can be translated as "as it progresses" in English. This phrase indicates that something happens or changes gradually over time.

5. a small amount
Explanation: The Russian phrase "неболь- шое количество" means "a small amount" in English. It refers to a small quantity or volume of something.

6. can be found
Explanation: The Russian phrase "можно найти" translates to "can be found" in English. This expresses the possibility or ability to locate or discover something.

7. for growth and cell regeneration
Explanation: The Russian phrase "для роста и восстановления клетки" means "for growth and cell regeneration" in English. It refers to the purpose or function of something in supporting the growth and renewal of cells.

8. provide with energy
Explanation: The Russian phrase "обеспечивать энергией" can be translated as "provide with energy" in English. This phrase indicates the action of supplying or giving energy to something.

9. for carrying out their functions
Explanation: The Russian phrase "для осуществления их функ- ций" means "for carrying out their functions" in English. It refers to the purpose or role of something in enabling the performance or execution of specific functions.

10. an additional energy source
Explanation: The Russian phrase "дополнительный источник энергии" can be translated as "an additional energy source" in English. This phrase refers to something that provides extra energy beyond what is normally available.

11. gastric juice
Explanation: The Russian phrase "желудочный сок" translates to "gastric juice" in English. It refers to the digestive fluid produced by the stomach.

12. daily
Explanation: The Russian word "ежедневно" means "daily" in English. It denotes something that occurs or is done every day.
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