EXERCISE3.Поставьте артикли, где это необходимо:Where immunity to...particular disease is not present, it can be provided by...vaccination to prevent that disease; but it can also be introduced by injecting...antibodies or antitoxins to treat or temporarily prevent...disease concerned. Such protection is called passive immunity and is commonly used against tetanus. During pregnancy...mother passes on her own antibodies and antitoxins to her unborn baby and this provides...passive immunity for...first few months after birth.

kulaevmasya kulaevmasya    3   13.05.2020 10:26    638

Пакемоник Пакемоник  11.01.2024 11:42
Where immunity to a particular disease is not present, it can be provided by a vaccination to prevent that disease; but it can also be introduced by injecting antibodies or antitoxins to treat or temporarily prevent the disease concerned. Such protection is called passive immunity and is commonly used against tetanus. During pregnancy, the mother passes on her own antibodies and antitoxins to her unborn baby and this provides passive immunity for the first few months after birth.


1. Where immunity to a particular disease is not present, it can be provided by a vaccination to prevent that disease;
- The indefinite article "a" is used before "vaccination" because it is a general reference to any vaccination that can provide immunity to a specific disease.

2. but it can also be introduced by injecting antibodies or antitoxins to treat or temporarily prevent the disease concerned.
- No articles are used before "injecting antibodies or antitoxins" because it refers to a general action without specifying any particular antibodies or antitoxins.

3. Such protection is called passive immunity and is commonly used against tetanus.
- No article is used before "protection" because it refers to a general concept of protection.

4. During pregnancy, the mother passes on her own antibodies and antitoxins to her unborn baby and this provides passive immunity for the first few months after birth.
- The definite article "the" is used before "pregnancy" because it refers to a specific period of time during which the mother passes on antibodies and antitoxins.
- The indefinite article "her own" is used before "antibodies and antitoxins" because it refers to the specific antibodies and antitoxins produced by the mother's body.
- The definite article "the" is used before "unborn baby" because it refers to a specific baby being referred to.
- The indefinite article "a" is used before "few" because it refers to an unspecified small number of months.
- No article is used before "birth" because it refers to a general concept of the process of giving birth.
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