Exercise v. infinitives. a) change the following sentences according to the given models. translate them into russian. model 1 the problem, which is to be solved by us, is very interesting. the problem to be solved by us, is very interesting. проблема, которая должна быть нами решена, интересна. 1. the experiment, which will be carried out is to help us in our investigation. 2. the article, which is to be translated, is published in our journal. model 2 he was the first who passed all his exams. he was the first to pass all his exams. он первым сдал все экзамены. 1. he was the third who translated the article so well. 2. alpha radiation was the first that was studied in detail at that time. b) translate the sentences. mind the functions of the infinitives. 1. we study english to read english books on our speciality. 2. in order to specify the amount of a substance at hand, one may state its mass. 3. he has to translate this article. 4. here are some more figures to be referred to later. 5. between the 1970s and 1990s major effort was made to reduce coal burning for electricity generation in great britain.