Exercise 8 You applied to lease a paper and cardboard shredder for your office from Officelease. It arrived yesterday, but unfortunately it does not work properly. Write an email to Officelease to complain about the problem. In your email: • give details about your lease ( № of agreement, dates and period of duration of leasing, terms of leasing, terms of paying fees, model of a shredder etc.)
• explain what is wrong with the shredder
• ask them to replace it.
Write a letter about 60 words.
написать, а то никаких мыслей нет, либо как написать (отдельные фразочки)

farsama farsama    3   16.04.2021 19:11    6

6hh6h6h 6hh6h6h  16.04.2021 19:20

написать а то никаких мыслей нет либо как написать отдельные фразочки

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