Exercise 5. arrange the following words in pairs of (a) synonyms and (b) antonyms: a) awareness, inception, akin, various, to appear, not new, compulsory, to practice, guess, beginning, con- jecture, diverse, to instigate, trite, indispensable, to rehearse, like, desire, deep thought, to emerge, con- templation, aspiration; b) relevance, to disappear, confirmation, irrelevance to emerge, conjecture, to hide, concurrent, to de- bunk, sequential

НикаМарьям НикаМарьям    1   17.05.2019 08:31    15

массисо массисо  10.06.2020 15:21

Not new - relevance

To appear - to disappear

To emerge - to hide

Akin - concurrent

Diverse - sequental

Indispensable - irrelevance to emerge

Guess - conjecture

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