Exercise 4: Using Commas with Places, Dates,
Copy the sentences, adding the necessary commas.
EXAMPLE: On June 9 1987 we moved to Houston Texas.
On June 9, 1987, we moved to Houston, Texas.
1. Microtec Inc. opened on the New York Stock Exchange at $14 per share.
2. The bus stopped in Texarkana on its way to Little Rock Arkansas.
3. The nurse signed her letter of resignation “Allison Evans R.N.”
4. On July 4 1884 the Statue of Liberty was officially presented to the United States.
5. Is it true that your ancestors traveled from St. Louis Missouri to San Francisco, California by wagon train?
6. Professor John H. Coleman Ph.D. accepted a position at another university.
7. Please cancel delivery of our newspaper from Tuesday August 8 to Sunday August 19.