Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words:
1. Agronomic biotechnology is applied to … crop …, to … crop vulnerability to
environmental stresses, improving health and taste of food.
2. Agronomy programs … classes in agriculture, biology, chemistry and physiology.
3. Past agricultural research has … yielding crops, crops with better resistance to …
and plant pathogens and more effective … and pesticides.
4. Research is necessary as soil … and water quality continue to need improvement.
5. The term “food system” is used in discussions about … of food, health, community
economic development and agriculture.
6. Such commodity farm products like … and maize do not have the ripeness
problems and are sold off in bulk to the local granary.
Exercise 5. Match the parts of the sentences:
1. In many parts of Britain a great number of
former houses…
2. After grass and rubbish have been cleared
3. Most crops will grow more successfully…
4. There are two informal ponds in the garden
where ...
5. A true country garden should not be ...
a) when planted direct into
b) too tidy, but have many flowers
and fruit trees.
c) have been lost as productive
gardens .
d) there is often very good soil for
planting crops.
c) frogs will breed, birds drink and
Exercise 6. Make up sentences from the words below:
1) Machinery, fields, rows, allows, the, long, planting, cultivate, to, in.
2) Variety, farms, in, large, a, some, vegetable, specialize, grow, one, others.
3) Consumption, a, plants, to, vegetable, and, garden, human, useful, other, for,
vegetables, exists, grow.54
4) Pots, kitchen, herbs, created, containers, garden, planting, a, or, can, by, in,
different, be.
Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Если у вас небольшой участок, вы можете выращивать овощи в контейнерах
у теплой стены, выходящей на юг.
2. Семена следует сажать прямо в землю, на открытом солнечном месте.
3. Божьи коровки очень эффективны против тли.
4. Я люблю пряные травы. Я наслаждаюсь их ароматом.
5. Чтобы сделать эту землю более плодородной, вам следует удобрять ее
навозом. Он лучше, чем химические удобрения.
6. Если вы хотите разводить пчел, то вы должны получить участок земли для