Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronouns and possessives. 1.Dad, have you seen money-box? I'd like to put a couple of coins in it.
2."He met a girl yesterday, and says that he loves deeply."
3."Is there anything can do to help you"
4.That dog is almost never in kennel. doesn't like .
5.Gareth and family do not live in London. live in Portsmouth.
6.Can you lend rubber, please? I've lost mine.
7. house is very small, but comfortable. We love .
8. son is a very bad student, but daughter is brilliant.
9."Please send a postcard when you are on holiday?"
10.He's faster than but I'm stronger than .

Exercise 5: Put in a reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself etc.
1. Did you cut your hair ?
2. David and Mary built their house .
3. I type all the articles for my blog .
4. Can you do it, or must we do it ?
5. I have decided to do it ___.
6. Don't deceive ___, you will never say this!
7. I am sure that they can manage by ___.
8. Our hotel was standing by ___ high in the mountains.
9. We ___ will try to finish the project.
10. Stop worrying ___ about the rumours.
11. The tigress ___ takes care of its cubs.
12. Do you really think that she ___ said so?
13. Suddenly, the coffee machine switched on by ___.
14. Let me ___ pay for the service.

Exercise 6: Выберите правильное местоимение из двух выделенных
1. My coat is in the wardrobe and where is your yours?
2. Look at I me!
3. She has invited us all, he him among the others.
4. Is it her she that they are waiting for?
5. They them and their theirs children are visiting the Prado Museum.
6. It was they them who whom bought the tickets to the championship.
7. John seems to be the person whom who admires the pets.
8. Lisa seems to be the person whom who the pets admire.
9. He has not given up and still believes in himself him.
10. Did you see her herself yesterday?
11. Playing in the street, the dog hurt it itself.
12. We were sitting there all by ours ourselves.
13. You ought to be ashamed of yourself you.
14. The brothers used to help each other one another.
15. Nobody in the team understood each other one another.

Exercise 7: Подберите нужные указательные местоимения для предложений
1. Can you see ___ big house over there, it's mine.
2. Do you mean that all ___ fields around the house are also yours?
3. Look at the photo, ___ is my best friend Bert.
4. You cannot persuade me that it is so easy to find a good job ___ days.
5. Did Armstrong sing "What a wonderful world" or "___ a wonderful world"?
6. He is making the ___ mistake again and again!
7. ___ people as these are always welcomed here.

radif01 radif01    2   07.12.2020 10:40    8

pochta147369 pochta147369  06.01.2021 10:41
= без as these

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