Exercise 3. Прочитайте предложения, напишите их в тетрадь, подчеркнув Причастие 1.
1. The dean of our faculty is speaking to the students. 2. He is coming in ten days. 3. I came up to the students discussing their time-table. 4. Applying fertilizers, farmers increase crop yields. 5. Do you know the man speaking to the children? 6. They are discussing an important problem now. 7. Belarus is developing its economic contacts.
Exercise 4. Прочитайте предложения, определите, в каких из данных предложений употребляется Причастие 1 (а не герундий). Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.
1. He was sitting in a chair watching TV. 2. There was a lot of snow lying on the ground. 3. The speaker pointed to the positive effect of the ending of the conflict. 4. Ending his letter he sent his best wishes to his schoolmates. 5. When crossing the street look first to the left, then to the right. 6. After meeting the delegation at the airport they went all together to Moscow University.