EXERCISE 3. PATHOLOGY Pathology is the study of disease. It covers the changes in normal anatomy and physiology brought about by disease and the body's reaction to it. Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called an ulcer. The raw base of an ulcer often has a painful bleeding surface. A cyst is an abnormal sac of fluid. Cysts are usually small and localized and can occur in soft tissues or bone anywhere in the body. A tumor is a swelling caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells. It serves no useful purpose and may cause displacement or destruction of adjacent structures. Some types of tumor can spread throughout the body causing severe, and often fatal, destructive effects. This condition is commonly known as cancer. Congenital defects are defects, which are present at birth, such as heart and valvular defects, cleft palate or other deformities. The cause or nature of an ulcer or tumor cannot always be determined by physical or X- ray examination. Confirmation of the diagnosis often necessitates surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope. This minor operation is called a biopsy. The biopsy specimen is sent to a hospital pathology department. The diagnosis of infections often requires bacteriological examination of a swab or smear from an infected surface. Other types of disease are commonly diagnosed by blood and urine tests.
Задание 4.Составить вопросительные предложения из текста Pathology.

поор2 поор2    3   03.09.2020 11:18    97

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2. Что называется язвой?
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7. Какие проблемы может вызывать опухоль?
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