Exercise 2. Supply Russian equivalents.
to be binding in law -
exchange of consideration -
invitation to treat -
to contract on certain terms -
to be legally bound -
valuable consideration -
legal intention -
to reject an offer -
party acceptance -

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with missing words consulting the text.

1. The seller may then decide whether to ... or ... my offer.
2. Certain kinds of contracts must be in writing to be ... .
3. In every valid contract there must be an
4. A contract is an agreement between two or more ... which is ... in law.
5. A is something a person has given, or done, or agreed not to do , when making a contract.
6. An advertisement is an from the legal point of view.
7. The advertiser is not ... to sell the car to me.
8. The contract must include an ... and an... .
9. Contracts that must be in writing include contracts for the sale of land and, contracts of ... and
10. Most contracts can be either ... or ... .

Exercise 4. Find a suitable definition for each word
1. done in a proper manner so that a court of
2. law would agree with it
3. binding agreement
4. promise by one party to a contract
5. invitation to treat
6. method of buying goods in which the purchaser takes possession of them as soon as he has paid a deposit
7. condition
8. essential elements of a contract
9. wish to be legally bound

a. hire-purchase
b. legal intention
c. advertisement
d. contract
e. term
f. offer and acceptance
g. valid
h. consideration

shumilovakate shumilovakate    2   04.12.2020 12:17    42

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