Exercise – 2    much ,many,  (a )little  (a) few 1. We usually spend …. time at school during our holiday.    2. It was too cold and there weren’t …..  people in the street.    3.There is …. Sugar  on  the plate   don’t  add  … . 4                Our boys have done ….. work today.    5.  Can anybody speak  English in your class?  Yes, I can speak  …  6 Our parents stayed  only  a …. days  there,   because  they  must come back home.   7. There was  …. rain in this summer.  8. I have ….. true friends and I always can rely on them.    9. My mother usually  adds …. salt to the meal, but I don’t like …  . 10. My fathers car need  not…. petrol. 11 Does Asel have  … mistakes in her work?
No, she has …  .  12.   I have found … information about   teenagers problem.​

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