Exercise 14. Fill in the where necessary. Use Table 2 – Articles: Names and Places. Dear Linda,
I have been here at (1)¬¬¬ University College London since (2) September. I’m staying at (3) Ian Baker House. I’m not missing (4) home at all.
People in (5) Great Britain are very different from us. I noticed it just as I arrived at (6) London Heathrow Airport. I’ve done a lot of sightseeing. I liked (7) Trafalgar square, (8) Tower Bridge, (9) St Paul's Cathedral, (10) British Museum and (11) Hyde Park. Also, it was interesting to visit (12) Fleet street where the first printing press appeared.
We are going to (13) Cambridge next week. I’m looking forward to seeing the second oldest university in (14) UK. I would like to attend (15) Folk Festival and to punt along (16) River Cam.
Well, I have to finish now as we are going to (17) cinema and then we are going for dinner at (18) Old Bell – one of the oldest pubs in (19) London. It is the only pub that was built by such a famous architect as (20) Sir Christopher Wren.

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