Exercise 13. Fill in a/an or the where necessary. Use Table 1 – Articles: in General. 1. Karen is working hard at___school. He has suddenly decided to become___programmer.
2. There are two bicycles outside___university:___red one and___yellow one. ___red bicycle belongs to Robert, but I don’t know who___owner of___yellow bicycle is.
3. He is___best student in our group.
4. I don’t like___mathematics.
5. What’s___name of that lecturer we met yesterday?
6. She works as___librarian at our university.
7. Have you finished with___book which I lent you?
8. Sport is not___only thing that makes up her free time.
9. ___education has changed a lot in ___ last 20 years.
10. The test wasn’t very difficult. I answered___questions easily.
11. I love reading___historical novels.
12. He has bought___new suit for his graduation ceremony.

dniill dniill    3   03.03.2021 07:47    7

amaii amaii  02.04.2021 07:48

1) a, a

2)an, a, an, a, an, a

3) a

4) a

5) a

6) a

7) a

8) an

9) a

10) a

11) a

12) a

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